Friday, January 4, 2013

How to be strong emotionally ?

Answer to these questions :

1. How you feel when you lose the person you love ?
2. How you feel when you got fired ?
3. How you feel when you have a very bad day today ?
4. How you feel when your parents treat you unfair ?

From all misfortune you might experienced, What you think can make you still stand tough?, chin up?, and stay strong emotionally?

You might wonder.... how?...

Well.. we can try to observe here :
a. We are all just human . Means : we are all make mistake/s, therefore Nobody's perfect. In this nature, we can conclude, all the person we love / loved, they're just human, they make mistake/s, so... from that point, we have to realize, some people might not perfect for us, either they're not match with one or another part of ourselves or we are not match with them!...

b. All lives will be dead someday. Every creature, humans, etc are living creatures that someday will be dead. vanish from this world. Therefore, we should not count on them, we should not attach to them so much, we should realize we could lose them someday... It helps us to get through all circumstances. Am I right?:)

c. All happen for reason/s. Even we think one situation is soo severely bad, we might notice someday that in some way that bad thing is needed to be in better situation in the future.. For instance : Your parents don't buy you the latest brand new gadget that you dreamt of, but surprisingly they saved their budget to send you to study abroad or buy you a fancy car or treat you travelling to your favourite destination, etc...

From all that happen , bad or good, one thing that could make the difference, IT IS OUR PERSPECTIVE.

If we always try to see the positive in everything, we will mostly feel positive and happy..


Sharing and Advising corp. :)

PS: you may send your comment and discuss your opinions here :)..

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